Three US Soldiers Killed in Afghan Unrest

The three U.S. servicemen have been killed Sunday in two separate bomb explosions in southern Afghanistan

NATO says two separate bomb explosions killed three U.S. service members Sunday in southern Afghanistan. No other details were given.

On Saturday, a roadside bomb also killed two U.S. soldiers in the same region.

Meanwhile, NATO says a bomb exploded in a market Saturday in the southern part of Helmand province, killing two children and wounding two others.

Earlier Saturday, a 16-year-old Afghan boy stepped on a homemade bomb in Tanai district of southeastern Khost province. The bomb exploded, killing him.

International forces say insurgents fired on a taxi in the southeastern province of Paktika, killing three Afghan women and wounding at least two others. They say the taxi driver brought the wounded to a NATO-led base where they received medical care.

In another development, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced Saturday that Germany will accelerate its training operations for Afghan security forces in northern Afghanistan.

The announcement comes as international powers prepare to discuss the future of the war-torn nation at a conference in London next week.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP .