Trump’s DACA Order, a Look at Details

President Donald Trump is phasing out a program for thousands of young immigrants brought into the country illegally as children. He is asking Congress to find a legislative solution to protect the immigrants, who are often called “Dreamers.”

A look at how this will work:


Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the program, known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA, would be rescinded, but with a six month delay. The administration says that is designed to give Congress time to find a legislative solution for the Dreamers.

Sessions said the phase-out “will enable DHS [Department of Homeland Security] to conduct an orderly change and fulfill the desire of this administration to create a time period for Congress to act, should it so choose. We firmly believe this is the responsible path.”


People who have work permits through DACA will be able to stay in the U.S. until those permits expire, according to a memorandum from Acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke. Those who have permits expiring before March 5, 2018, can apply for a full two-year renewal, but must submit the application by October 5.

New applications for permits, as well as applications for renewals, received before September 5 will be reviewed on a “case-by-case” basis. No new applications will be accepted going forward.