Tunis Crowd Shows Support for Missing Journalists

The mother, right, of photographer Nadhir Ktari, who disappeared with fellow journalist Sofiene Chourabi in Libya in September, attends a demonstration held in solidarity with the missing pair in Tunis, Jan. 9, 2015.

Hundreds of people gathered Friday in Tunis in a show of support for two missing journalists whom Islamic State militants claim to have executed.

About 300 people took part in the demonstration in the Tunisian capital.

On Thursday, the Libyan branch of Islamic State said it had killed the journalists. Jihadist websites posted pictures of journalists Sofiene Chourabi and Nadhir Ktari walking with a person who appeared to be an armed militant. The claim has not been verified by the Tunisian authorities, who said they were following the case "minute by minute."

The two journalists were last seen in Libya in September.

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi met Friday with family members of the two journalists, while Foreign Minister Mongi Hamdi said he hoped the execution claims turned out to be false.