UN Court Seeks Evidence in Hariri Assassination

A U.N. tribunal investigating the 2005 assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri has asked Hezbollah militants to submit any evidence that could help solve the case.

A spokeswoman for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon said the prosecutor's office is seeking all evidence relevant to the attack against the former Lebanese prime minister and will carefully assess any information Hezbollah offers.

On Monday, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of carrying out Hariri's assassination, citing purported Israeli surveillance video and confessions from former Israeli spies.

In a televised speech, Nasrallah said the aerial reconnaissance video shows Israel was closely monitoring areas frequented by Hariri.

Although Nasrallah acknowledged the images are not conclusive proof, he said the video indicates Israel might have been tracking Hariri's movements.

Hezbollah has been on the offensive in recent weeks as the U.N. tribunal prepares indictments. The group denies having any connection to the assassination.

Hariri was killed in a massive bomb blast in Beirut, along with 20 other people. There are fears that new clashes could erupt between Lebanon's Shi'ite and Sunni communities if Hezbollah members are indicted.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.