UN Mission Helps Combat Cholera Outbreak in DRC

UN Mission in Democratic Republic of Congno and DRC soldiers get ready to deploy from Gemena (2009 file photo)

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) is teaming up with other UN agencies to combat the outbreak of cholera in Congo’s western region.

MONUSCO’s military spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Felix Basse, said his group is providing logistical support to ensure that medical supplies reach the affected population in time to help with efforts to fight the cholera outbreak.

“MONUSCO is helping to fight the outbreak of cholera in Congo, especially in Bandundu, where we had six people who died last week out of 1,000,” said Basse. “This is a serious concern.… [So] we are helping to deploy and deliver medical supplies as requested by UNICEF.”

Basse said his organization is also working with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and some medical charity organizations to fight the epidemic.

MONUSCO’s main task is to help deter attacks by various rebel groups.

“The security situation, particularly in Western Brigade, is calm,” he said, “but we are still conducting patrols along the Congo River and along the Ubangi River in order to secure those waterways.” ”You know we are having elections in November, so we are deploying our joined units with FARDC [government troops]… to allow people to register for the [polls].”

The DRC is compiling a list of prospective voters that will be used for the November general elections.

Kinshasa signed a memorandum of understanding with the UN Mission to the DRC to provide support to the electoral commission.