IAEA Questions Iran's Nuclear Intentions

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano attends a board of governors meeting at the UN headquarters in Vienna, November 29, 2012.

The head of the United Nations' nuclear agency is questioning Iran's nuclear intentions.

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano met with the IAEA's governing board Thursday in Vienna.

He said Iran has failed to provide the agency with any credible assurances that its nuclear activities are peaceful. And he raised concerns about "extensive activities" at Iran's Parchin facility.

The IAEA believes the military installation southeast of Tehran may be a testing area for nuclear weapons development but IAEA inspectors have been barred from the facility.

Iran insists its nuclear aims are peaceful.

The IAEA is set to resume talks with Iran over its nuclear program next month in Tehran.

Amano called on all sides to work "with a sense of urgency and seize the opportunity for a diplomatic solution."

Iran has already been hit with four rounds of U.N. sanctions for failing to comply with the international community on its nuclear activities.