What We Know About Mysterious Cuban Sonic Attacks

FILE - A view of the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba, on Sept. 18, 2017.

U.S. officials have expelled 15 Cuban diplomats from the embassy in Washington, after a series of unexplained sonic attacks injured U.S. diplomats in Havana.

Here is what we know about the situation:

  • At least 22 U.S. diplomats and their families have been experiencing mysterious health issues believed to have been caused by some sort of sonic attacks that started last November.
  • The most recent incident took place in August.
  • Symptoms include ear complaints, hearing loss, dizziness, headache, fatigue, cognitive issues, and difficulty sleeping. Some have been diagnosed with mild brain injury and permanent hearing loss.
  • The United States has issued a warning advising Americans not to travel to Cuba, because some of the attacks on U.S. employees happened at hotels in Havana.
  • Cuba denies involvement or knowledge of the attacks.
  • The State Department says the number of victims could grow as more cases are potentially uncovered. But it has also emphasized that it does not know who or what is behind the incidents.