US, Iran to Resume Nuclear Talks November 29

FILE - State Department spokesman Ned Price speaks at the State Department in Washington, Aug. 18, 2021.

U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price confirmed Wednesday that a seventh round of Iran nuclear talks will start November 29 in Vienna, Austria.

"We'll resume for a seventh round on Monday, November 29. Special Envoy (for Iran Robert) Malley will again lead the U.S. participation in these talks," Price said.

The talks are between Iran and the deal's remaining original partners, with the U.S. participating indirectly with Malley leading the U.S. delegation.

"We've been very clear that the talks — if they are to succeed, if we are to close the remaining areas of disagreement, they should start precisely where the sixth round of talks left off," Price added.

FILE - This handout picture provided by Iran's High Council for Human Rights on May 29, 2021 shows the organization's deputy secretary Ali Bagheri Kani at its premises in the capital Tehran. (Iran's High Council for Human Rights / AFP)

Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, also tweeted Wednesday that the talks would resume.

"In a phone call with @enriquemora_ , we agreed to start the negotiations aiming at removal of unlawful & inhumane sanctions on 29 November in Vienna," he wrote.

European Union envoy Enrique Mora has helped mediate the indirect talks between the U.S. and Iran with diplomats from the European Union, Russia and China, and the other members of the original deal.

The talks aim to reinstate the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal. Former President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the agreement in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran.

President Joe Biden has said the U.S. will rejoin once Tehran returns to full compliance with the agreement's restrictions on nuclear weapons development.

Reinstating the deal would result in the lifting of sanctions that have strained Iran's economy.

Some information in this report came from Reuters.