US: Israeli, Palestinian Negotiators to Resume Peace Talks

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US: Israeli-Palestinian Talks to Resume August 14 - related video report by Zlatica Hoke

A U.S. official says Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will resume peace talks in Jerusalem next week.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Thursday two U.S. envoys will attend next Wednesday's talks, which will be followed by a meeting in the West Bank town of Jericho.

She said Secretary of State John Kerry does not expect to make any announcements after this round of discussions.

Long-stalled talks between Israeli and Palestinian officials re-started last month in Washington under U.S. mediation.

Kerry said after the negotiations the two sides had agreed to meet again in a few weeks. Kerry also said he is aiming to help seal a final peace deal within nine months.

The secretary of state said the two sides had agreed that the most contentious issues - such as borders, refugees and the fate of Jerusalem - would be on the table for discussion.

Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and lead Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat attended last month's talks.