U.S. Takes Legal Action Against Chinese Military Hackers

Sun Kailiang, from China's Third Department of the General Staff Department of the People's LIberation Army (3PLA), Second Bureau, Third Office, Military Unit Cover Designator (MUCD) 61398. (FBI photo).

Wen Xinyu, from China's Third Department of the General Staff Department of the People's LIberation Army (3PLA), Second Bureau, Third Office, Military Unit Cover Designator (MUCD) 61398. (FBI photo)

Perspektif sintetis dari Pluto, berdasarkan gambar-gambar beresolusi tinggi terakhir dari pesawat antariksa New Horizons miliki NASA, menunjukkan pemandangan Pluto jika kita melihatnya dari sekitar 1.800 kilometer di atas daerah ekuator planet kerdil tersebut.

Wang Dong, from China's Third Department of the General Staff Department of the People's LIberation Army (3PLA), Second Bureau, Third Office, Military Unit Cover Designator (MUCD) 61398. (FBI photo)

Gu Chunhui, from China's Third Department of the General Staff Department of the People's LIberation Army (3PLA), Second Bureau, Third Office, Military Unit Cover Designator (MUCD) 61398. (FBI photo)