VOA Immigration Weekly Recap, February 19–25

FILE - Migrants wait on the the border between Mexico and the United States, as seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Jan. 8, 2023.

Editor's note: Here is a look at immigration-related news around the U.S. this week. Questions? Tips? Comments? Email the VOA immigration team: ImmigrationUnit@voanews.com.

Border Encounters Drop After Increased Migrant Expulsions

The number of migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border dropped nearly 40% from a record of about 252,000 encounters in December 2022 to about 156,000 in January, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Immigration reporter Aline Barros has the story.

Biden Administration Announces Proposed Rule to Set New Asylum Limits

The Biden administration published a proposal Tuesday that would block certain migrants from seeking asylum in the United States and allow the government to quickly deport them. The proposal, which is part of the administration's efforts to manage the influx of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, has received strong criticism from immigration advocates. Immigration reporter Aline Barros has the story.

VOA Day In Photos:

February 22, 2023

Immigration around the world

Key Afghanistan-Pakistan Border Crossing Reopens After High-Level Talks

Taliban authorities in Afghanistan said Thursday they had reopened a busy border crossing with Pakistan after four days of closure that saw thousands of travelers and trade convoys, with many carrying food items, stranded on either side. Ayaz Gul reports for VOA from Islamabad, Pakistan.

Hong Kong Revokes Visa for Controversial Chinese Scientist Who Edited Babies' Genes

A controversial Chinese biophysicist, who had been imprisoned after creating the world’s first gene-edited babies, saw his Hong Kong work visa revoked after immigration officials suspected he lied on an application form for a talent scheme. VOA News reports.

After Earthquake, Some Syrian War Refugees Look Beyond Turkey

As Turkey reels under the immediate humanitarian and long-term economic burdens of the deadly February 6 earthquake, one group of people feels pressured to consider leaving the country. Akmal Dawi reports for VOA.

Poland Braced for More Refugees as Fighting Intensifies in Ukraine

Millions of Ukrainians fled into Poland in the first months of Russia's invasion. A year on, the chaotic scenes at the border have eased – and many Ukrainians now cross back and forth from their home country. As Henry Ridgwell reports from the border town of Przemyśl, Poland is braced for a new influx of refugees as the fighting intensifies in eastern Ukraine.

Refugees In, Weapons Out: Poland’s Frontline Role in Ukraine War

The small village on the Poland-Ukraine border got global attention when, on November 15, a missile exploded on a farm, killing two local workers. All that remains is a large crater, surrounded by the twisted metal beams and rubble of the barn that once stood here. Henry Ridgwell reports for VOA from London.

News Brief

— The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updates guidance for employment authorization for international students in the U.S. under the special student relief provisions.