Washington Abuzz Over Egypt’s Democracy, Military’s Intentions


The on-going and very fluid situation in Egypt was the subject of intense discussion by a number of scholars, academics and political experts who met recently in Washington DC. Overflow crowds packed two rooms - one at the George Washington University and the other at the Aspen Institute - to hear what these experts had to say as, once again, Egyptians were taking to the streets to protest what they called is a lack of progress in Egypt since the fall of Hosni Mubarak.

Egypt’s Army won the people’s support when it refused to fire on demonstrators during early protests. But today, many Egyptians are angry at the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which is now running the country. They say the Council is merely a group of high ranking “retreads” who owe their careers to the Mubarak regime. And they worry that the Council intends to remain in charge. Matters reached a crisis by mid-October, when the security forces killed 26 protesters during a mainly Coptic Christian protest.

The two two panels of experts who met in Washington agreed on one thing: The Egyptian revolution is not over yet....far from it.

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