World Reaction to Latest EU Sanctions on Iran

Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd

States that his country will take the same action as the European Union and ban oil imports from Iran.

Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd

Described the embargo as part of an unprecedented set of sanctions that shows the resolve of the EU on Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Called the EU move a step in the right direction, but warned it is not possible to know what effect the embargo will have on Iran.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Criticized the EU embargo Monday, saying unilateral sanctions will not help revive negotiations between Iran and six world powers on the Iranian nuclear program. Those talks have been on hold for a year.

U.S. President Barack Obama

Praised the European Union oil embargo and said the United States will apply new sanctions as well. The United States and other countries say Iran's nuclear program is aimed at building a weapon, a charge Iran denies.

Indian Oil Minister Jaipal Reddy

States that New Delhi wants to buy as much oil as it can from Iran because terms are favorable. He said India will only follow sanctions imposed by the United Nations.


Position is that the EU decision to ban Iranian oil imports is illogical and that pressure and sanctions against Iran do not work, despite evidence to the contrary. Two Iranian lawmakers called for their country to close the Strait of Hormuz in retaliation.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao

China says the EU embargo is not a "constructive" response to Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao defended his country's purchase of Iranian oil on January 25, 2012.