Dozens of Soldiers Killed in Yemen Fighting

Military officials in Yemen say at least 26 soldiers have been killed in heavy fighting with militants in the southern city of Zinjibar.

At least 14 Islamist militants also were killed as the two sides battled Wednesday for control of a stadium on the outskirts of the city.

The fighting comes as part of daily government attacks on al-Qaida- linked militants who have seized control of several areas in Abyan province, including Zinjibar and smaller towns.

Earlier Wednesday, Yemeni army jets mistakenly bombed a passenger bus in the area, killing four civilians and wounding 12 others.

Yemen is battling al-Qaida-linked militants in the south amid political turmoil stemming from a popular uprising against President Ali Abdullah Saleh that began in February.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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