Yemen Blast Targets Security Chief

Yemeni loyalist forces and onlookers gather at the scene of a suicide attack targeting the police chief in the base of the Saudi-backed government on April 28, 2016 in Yemen's second city Aden.

A suicide car bomber in Yemen detonated outside the home of Aden's security chief, wounding at least two people.

Security guards fired on the attacker before the vehicle exploded. Reports said the attacker was dressed as a woman and had passed through several security checkpoints.

The security chief, Shallal Shayei, was unharmed.

It was the third attack on his residence since December.

The blast set off a small blaze outside the residence.

Yemen is embroiled in a conflict pitting Shi'ite Houthi rebels against the government. Militant groups such as Islamic State and al-Qaida have taken advantage of the chaos to commit their own acts of violence.