Youth Groups Urge US Governors to Reject Harmful Transgender Bills

FILE - South Dakota Gov. Dennis delivers his during his State of the State address at the state Capitol in Pierre,. S.D., Jan. 12, 2016. He hasn't said if he will sign a bill approved by state lawmakers that would prohibit transgender students from using

A coalition of youth-oriented groups is calling on U.S. governors to reject measures it says are harmful to young transgender Americans.

The group of seven organizations that includes the National Education Association and American Academy of Pediatrics released an open letter to the governors just days after South Dakota lawmakers approved a bill that would prohibit transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

It would be the first state to make that move.

Supporters of the bill say it's meant to protect student privacy and not meant to be hurtful. But the coalition says they could increase risks of bullying and harassment.

The Human Rights Campaign solicited the groups and released the letter.

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard hasn't indicated whether he will sign the bill.