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Spain Names Economics, Trade Expert as New Foreign Minister

Arancha Gonzalez Laya
Arancha Gonzalez Laya

Arancha Gonzalez Laya, a lawyer with a track record in international relations, economics and trade, will be Spain's new foreign minister, the country's new coalition government said Friday.

Gonzalez Laya, currently a U.N. Assistant Secretary General and Executive Director of the International Trade Centre, is the latest minister to be named to the new government of Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez.

Sanchez was chosen by Parliament as prime minister on Tuesday, ending a period in which he led a caretaker Socialist government following two inconclusive elections last year. His partnership with the left-wing United We Can party is Spain's first coalition since the restoration of democracy in 1978.

Sanchez clinched the prime minister's position by a simple majority of two votes after 18 abstentions, which has raised doubts as to how long the government will last.

His cabinet is expected to be sworn in and hold its first meeting early next week.

The cabinet will have four deputy prime ministers, including Nadia Calvino, who stays in charge of the economy portfolio.