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New Hampshire prepares to vote

New Hampshire prepares to vote
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New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary voting begins later today as the Democratic presidential candidates took look to advance deeper into what could be an extended nominating fight. President Trump, at a rally in New Hampshire, joked that GOP voters could affect Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary. VOA Correspondent Caroline Presutti has more.

Plus, U.S. President Donald Trump is proposing a steep 21 percent cut in aid that the United States provides to foreign countries and the State Department stands by the draft budget. However, U.S. lawmakers who control the budget process, say the proposed cuts in foreign assistance would weaken U.S. national security and global leadership. VOA Diplomatic Correspondent Cindy Saine reports from Washington.

And, the head of the World Health Organization says there are "concerning instances" of coronavirus transmission from people who have not traveled to China. A development could mean there is a bigger problem. VOA’s Mariama Diallo brings us the latest.

Those stories and more are all on this International Edition.