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Iran's Supreme Leader says Western News Media Attempting to "Poison" Iran
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Iran's Supreme Leader says Western News Media Attempting to "Poison" Iran

Iran's supreme leader says Western media are to blame for his country's recent political unrest.

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is pointing his finger at Western news media for inciting political friction in Iran.

His statement follows protests against the re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Friday's al-Quds day or Jerusalem day, an annual event to sympathize with Palestinians and condemn Israel.

Khamenei was speaking to worshippers Sunday at Tehran University to mark the end of Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The ayatollah said foreign media is attempting to "poison" Iran's atmosphere. He also warned domestic outlets not to publicize foreign allegations against the government.

Since June's disputed presidential election, Khamenei and other hardliners have repeatedly accused the West of backing the political opposition in an effort to undermine the Islamic government system.

Khamenei also again rejected charges that Iran has a secret nuclear-weapons program. He said Iran fundamentally opposes nuclear weapons, their use and production. He says American officials who speak of Iranian missiles and the danger of Iranian missiles, and say Iran intends to build an atomic bomb, know that these words are wrong.

Tehran says its uranium enrichment is mainly for energy production, but U.S. and European nations believe Iran is stockpiling fuel for a bomb.

The U.S. and global powers are expected to meet Iranian negotiators October 1 to discuss Iran's nuclear program.