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Life Support Machine Seen as Navalny Arrives at Berlin Hospital

Life Support Machine Seen as Navalny Arrives at Berlin Hospital
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Medical staff were seen wheeling a life support machine back to the ambulance that brought gravely ill Russian opposition leader and Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny to a German hospital, Saturday, August 22.


READ MORE: A plane carrying Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning, touched down Saturday morning in Berlin, where he will receive medical attention at Charité Clinic, the city’s main hospital.

Russian doctors announced earlier they had acquiesced to demands to allow Navalny medical treatment in Germany, ending a standoff over who would administer care to the politician following what Navalny’s family says was a deliberate attempt to poison him in Siberia earlier this week.

"The patient's condition is stable,” Dr. Anatoly Kalinichenko of Hospital No. 1 in the city of Omsk, where Navalny has been in a medically induced coma and ventilator, said Friday.

"As we are in possession of a request from relatives to permit him to be transported, we have now taken the decision that we do not object to his transfer to another in-patient facility,” he added.

Kalinichenko also said that “having received the request from relatives for transportation,” Navalny’s family would take “full responsibility.”
