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Thousands of Baby Turtles Released Into Peruvian Amazon River

Thousands of Baby Turtles Released Into Peruvian Amazon River
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Peruvian government officials released about 1,040 baby Taricaya Turtles - of some 850,000 expected to be released this year - into the Nanay River in Peru's Amazon region, Saturday, November 7.

''In the Pacaya Samiria for this year 2020, we are planning the release of approximately 850,000 baby turtles. The release is made on behalf of all the ecosystems of Pacaya Samiria in the main basins. In the last two years we have freed some 2.5 million Taricayas,'' said the head of Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Alfredo Neyra.

The Taricaya Turtle or Yellow-Spotted River Turtle, has become vulnerable due to poaching and human activities.

According to local media, thousands of eggs were incubated by Peruvian environmental authorities starting in August, in order to carry out Friday's massive release.
