Bush to Address National Hurricane Recovery Efforts

Rescue efforts continue across much of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coast as President Bush prepares to coordinate recovery efforts in the wake of devastating Hurricane Katrinia.

The president is cutting short his vacation to return to Washington, Wednesday. A White House spokesman said Mr. Bush will chair a meeting of federal agencies to discuss helping tens of thousands of people left homeless and without food and water along the southern U.S. coast.

Officials in the city of New Orleans say they are struggling to stop flood waters from a crucial levee that gave way. Eighty percent of the city, which is below sea level, was already under water.

Police have complained of looting in the city where clean water and electricity have been cut off.

Rescue workers report seeing several bodies in New Orleans and other affected coastal cities, but no official death toll has been released.

In the nearby city of Biloxi, Mississippi, authorities said at least 30 people died when their apartment complex was smashed by a nine-meter surge caused by the hurricane.

Some information for this report provided by AP.