UN Nuclear Agency Suspends Some Technical Aid to Iran

Diplomats say the U.N. nuclear agency has suspended some technical aid to Iran to comply with Security Council sanctions on Tehran's nuclear program.

The diplomats in Vienna spoke to news agencies but requested anonymity.

They said aid has been suspended to civilian projects that use sensitive nuclear material or where the aid could be diverted to weapons programs. The U.N. Security Council passed sanctions against Iran in December, barring trade in sensitive missile and nuclear technology and materials.

The diplomats said although the suspension has been implemented, it must still be approved by the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Western powers believe Iran is working to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

The officials also said the IAEA is looking at suspending aid to other Iranian projects that fall into what they called a gray area.

The United States made a case that the IAEA should suspend technical aid to half of IAEA-supported projects in Iran. But the current suspension involves less than half.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.