Bomber Reportedly Kills At Least 7 at Tribal Meeting in Baghdad

Iraqi police say a suicide bomber has killed at least seven people at a tribal meeting in the town of Karmah, west of Baghdad.

Thursday's attack is the third bombing this week targeting local government meetings.

On Tuesday, a bomb blast in a local council building in Baghdad's Sadr City district killed 10 people. An attack Monday killed two U.S. soldiers and their interpreter as they left a council building south of the capital.

Also today, the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq says its troops killed two suspected terrorists in central Iraq.

A coalition statement says troops engaged the two suspects in a building near Sharqat, south of Mosul. One was identified as the leader of an al-Qaida cell that conducts bombing operations against Iraqi and coalition forces.

A roadside bombing in the predominantly Shi'ite half of Baghdad on Wednesday killed an American soldier - the 10th U.S. fatality in Iraq since Monday.

Iraq has seen an increase in deadly attacks on Americans in recent days. Bomb attacks in Baghdad and northern Iraq killed seven U.S. nationals Tuesday, including soldiers and civilians.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.