Iraq's Main Sunni Party Suspends Ties with US

Iraq's largest Sunni political party says it has suspended official contacts with U.S. military and civilian personnel after an Iraqi man was killed and five arrested in a raid in Fallujah.

In a statement Saturday, the Iraqi Islamic Party demanded an explanation about what happened, along with an apology. The party also demanded assurances that those responsible will be punished.

The party said the targets of the raid were party members. But the U.S. military said one man had been arrested and one had been killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi raid against a suspected militant in Fallujah.

Also Saturday, the U.S. military in Iraq said Iraqi security forces captured 15 suspected criminals and al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists in separate operations in northern Iraq during the past several days, October 21 through 24.

The individuals are believed to be linked to intimidation attacks, weapons smuggling, attacks against coalition and Iraqi forces, and other criminal activities.

They were detained during operations in Mosul, Samarra and Husaybah.