Honduras Political Talks to Continue  

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Negotiators in Honduras are to continue talks Thursday in an effort to resolve the political crisis over the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya.

It was unclear if the rival sides made progress in talks Wednesday on a deal aimed at ending the nearly four-month-old standoff.

A negotiator for Mr. Zelaya said the sides agreed on a point related to the deposed president's return to power. No details were released, but hours later negotiators for interim President Roberto Micheletti denied that a deal had been reached.

Mr. Zelaya was ousted in a military-backed coup on June 28 and sent into exile. Opponents say he was trying to illegally change the constitution to extend his term in office. He secretly returned to Honduras September 21 and is holed up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.

Last week, a diplomatic delegation traveled to Honduras, but the group, sponsored by the Organization of American States, left Honduras without a resolution. The international community has refused to recognize the interim government.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP.